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LED Power Supply

Home > Technical Research > Non Al-capacitor for LED Driver?

      LED drive power supply is an important reason of lower life driven power needed to the service life of aluminum electrolytic capacitors, the main reason is that working long hours when the LED lamps and lanterns of internal environment temperature is high, causes the aluminum electrolytic capacitor electrolyte was quickly dries, life shortens greatly, normally only work about 5000 hours. And the life of the LED light source is 50000 hours, so the working life of the aluminum electrolytic capacitor as the life of the LED drive power supply short ribs.
        Now some suppliers in order to solve this problem, the invention has LED drive power supply scheme of aluminum electrolytic capacitor.But not all of the LED drive power suppliers are in favor of this practice. Wine palm pointed out: "in the production of LED lighting driver power supply don't have a no electrolytic capacitor drive scheme is adopted, because without it, a lot of pass the test standards, such as the EMI test and flicker-free test."
        And use the LED driver power supply scheme of aluminum electrolytic capacitor easily usually above tests, if with film capacitors and ceramic electric or tantalum capacitance? Film capacitor to achieve the same capacitance (usually 100-220 (uf), the volume will be very big, and the cost is too high, ceramic capacitor average amount is too small, such as multiple ceramic capacitor is used to implement such a large capacity, the plate area and the cost is too big, tantalum capacitor to have such a large capacity, it is too expensive, but the pressure is too low, can not meet the requirements, so for any other type of capacitor, basically is not too big volume, is too expensive, such as to these weaknesses into smaller capacitance, remove the ripple effect wasn't so good, many export products strictly required for certification test indicators can't pass, so the high quality LED driver power is still widely used aluminum electrolytic capacitors.
        Many vendors claim no electrolytic capacitor LED drive power supply scheme, is likely to just remove the AC input side aluminum electrolytic capacitors, constant current output of the aluminum electrolytic capacitor should be difficult to remove or replace.
        From the architecture of the LED driver power supply, wine palm, said Japan and the United States will be in a isolation type scheme for the mainstream, because they only 110 v input voltage of power grid.China and Europe will be to isolate type scheme for the mainstream, because their power input voltage up to 220 v, the safety of isolation scheme guaranteed, although some costs may be high.

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