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Worldwide PC Shipments Rankings

Second quarter of the global PC shipments data (unit: thousand)
RankingBrandShipments second quarter of 2011  Market sharesShipments second quarter of 2010 Market sharesYear-on-year growth



        Market research firm IDC worldwide PC shipments in the second quarter report, released today, including Lenovo group than acer to become the world's third, Asustek computer of the Toshiba to become the world's fifth largest PC manufacturers.
        IDC report released today by the economic recession, consumers prefer smartphones and the tablet, the influence of the global PC shipments in the second quarter of 84.4 million units, up 2.6% from a year earlier.The growth rate lower than that of IDC had previously expected, previously, IDC expects worldwide PC shipments will grow 2.9% year-on-year in the second quarter.
        A new report, the global PC makers shipments ranked in the larger changes, including Lenovo group than Acer to become the world's third, asustek computer of the Toshiba to become the world's fifth largest PC manufacturers.
        IDC report shows that lenovo shipments of 10.276 million units, global market share reached 12.2%. IDC believes that Lenovo's growth in the United States and Japan sales make it overtook acer to become the world's third-largest PC maker.
        It is worth noting that Lenovo group in the second quarter shipments already with second dell, dell global shipments of 10.927 million units in the second quarter.If lenovo shipments can continue to maintain a 20% growth rate, the next quarter will more than likely dell as the world's second largest PC manufacturers.
        Another attraction is in this report, asus crowded with Toshiba to become the world's fifth largest PC manufacturers.In the second quarter of this year, Asustek computer shipments rose 6% from a year earlier, to 4.468 million, global market share reached 5.3%.IDC said that although asus netbooks shipments fell, but the mainstream notebook products sales in emerging markets is good.

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