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Unity is Strength - Employees Fun Activity

    On October 17, 2014 16:30, all members of the power supply manufacturing center and power quality in industrial park basketball court opened to "unity, fraternity, mutual assistance and cooperation, high efficiency" as purpose of fun activities.

    Participant in product line for the group. Before the start of each game, the players are time practice, and mental strength. First to "sit up" game, the players sitting on the ground when I haven't up everyone's back tightly together, once shout "one, two, three" stood up, some people stand up, there are also some foul ground up with the hand, when the number increased from 4 to 10 people in the game when the difficulty coefficient is bigger, this is a big test for captain teams and players. In spite of this, the enthusiasm of the people not be cut, still can do it together, close cooperation, constantly to overcome difficulties. 

    "Clamp ball with back" state better, cooperate with the good understanding of the players can both fast and steadily to the finish, and a lot of players from time to time by hand the ball behind the Tod, inadvertently violated the rules of the game, strangest provoked the audience laughed, the scene of cries, a slight instability will lag behind.Activity is again and again to a climax, your participation enthusiasm is very high. Full cooperation between team members, mutual trust and understanding between the players and makes the game in an orderly way. Each activity by the power of the individual alone are not enough, the joint efforts of all the players should be achieving personal and team win-win effect! 
    In recent years, we can be made in the attention of the economic development of the company at the same time, don't forget to let each employee into this big family, don't we regularly organize various activities increase the chance of communication between employees, promote team cooperation ability, further improve the staff's work enthusiasm.Employees in the process of the activity can also gradually realize the importance of team, the unity is strength constantly grasp the truth, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Picture-1: Set Up Game

Picture-2: 10 Man 9 Foot Activity

Picture-3: Clamp Ball with Back





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